GitHub Single Sign-On Implementation

This documentation details how to implement GitHub Single Sign-On (SSO) in your application using the provided GitHubSSO class and related functions.

Required Environment Variables

To use the GitHubSSO class, you need to have the following environment variables set:

  • GITHUB_CLIENT_ID: GitHub OAuth client ID
  • GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET: GitHub OAuth client secret

Required Scopes for GitHub OAuth

Ensure your GitHub OAuth application requests the following scopes to access the necessary user information:

  • user:email
  • read:user

How to Acquire GitHub OAuth Client ID and Client Secret

  1. Register a new OAuth application on GitHub:

    • Go to GitHub's developer settings: GitHub Developer Settings
    • Click on New OAuth App.
    • Fill in the required fields:
      • Application name: Your application�s name.
      • Homepage URL: The URL to your application's homepage.
      • Authorization callback URL: The redirect URI where users will be sent after authorization. This should match the redirect_uri parameter in your authorization request.
    • Click Register application.
  2. Get the client credentials:

    • After registering, you will see your new application listed on the OAuth Apps page.
    • Click on the application to see its details.
    • Copy the Client ID and Client Secret to use as environment variables in your application.
  3. Set Environment Variables:

    • Add the Client ID and Client Secret to your environment variables. This can be done in your .env file like so:

    • Replace your_client_id and your_client_secret with the actual values you copied from GitHub.

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