Autodesk Single Sign-On (SSO) using OAuth

The AutodeskSSO class provides a way to authenticate Autodesk users and retrieve their profile information from Autodesk's API. This guide describes how to configure and use the Autodesk SSO mechanism in your application.

Required Environment Variables

To use Autodesk SSO in your project, you need to set up the Autodesk OAuth client credentials:

  • AUTODESK_CLIENT_ID: This is the client ID obtained from Autodesk when you create an OAuth application.
  • AUTODESK_CLIENT_SECRET: This is the client secret obtained from Autodesk.

Steps to Obtain the Autodesk Client ID and Secret

  1. Register your application:

    • Go to the Autodesk Developer Portal.
    • Sign in with your Autodesk account.
    • Navigate to My Apps.
    • Click Create App.
    • Fill out the form with the necessary details and submit.
    • Once the application is created, you will receive the Client ID and Client Secret.
  2. Add Environment Variables:

    • Create or update your .env file to include:


Required APIs

Ensure you have the following APIs enabled in your Autodesk Developer account:

  1. Click the links below to confirm you have enabled the APIs required for Autodesk's OAuth process:

Required Scopes for Autodesk OAuth

When setting up OAuth, the following scopes should be included:

  • data:read
  • data:write
  • bucket:read
  • bucket:create

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