Required Environment Variables

  • VK_CLIENT_ID: VK OAuth client ID
  • VK_CLIENT_SECRET: VK OAuth client secret

Required APIs

Ensure that you have the necessary VK APIs enabled by following these instructions. Once confirmed, add the VK_CLIENT_ID and VK_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables to your .env file.

  1. VK API Access Setup:

    • Visit VK's Developers Page and create a new application if you haven't done so already.
    • Note down the Application ID (this will be your VK Client ID) and secure your Application Secret (this will be your VK Client Secret).
    • Configure your application to use VK API.
  2. Get the VK Client ID and Client Secret:

    • After setting up your VK application, go to the application settings.
    • From the application settings, retrieve the Application ID which will serve as VK_CLIENT_ID.
    • Retrieve the Secure Key which will serve as VK_CLIENT_SECRET.

Add these values to your .env file in the following format:


Required Scopes for VK SSO

To authenticate users via VK SSO, you need the following scope:

  • email

Make sure your VK application requests this scope during the OAuth authorization process.

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