DeviantArt SSO Integration Guide

This guide will help you set up and integrate deviantART Single Sign-On (SSO) using OAuth2 in your application. Please follow the steps carefully to ensure seamless integration.

Required Environment Variables

To start using deviantART SSO, you need to set up the following environment variables in your environment. You can add these variables to your .env file:

  • DEVIANTART_CLIENT_ID: deviantART OAuth client ID
  • DEVIANTART_CLIENT_SECRET: deviantART OAuth client secret

How to Acquire deviantART Client ID and Client Secret

  1. Register your Application:

    • Log in to your deviantART account.
    • Navigate to the deviantART OAuth2 Application Registration page.
    • Click on "Register a new application" to create a new application.
    • Fill out the necessary details such as application name, description, and set the redirect URI (e.g., http://localhost:8000/callback for local testing).
  2. Retrieve Client ID and Client Secret:

    • After successfully registering your application, you will be provided with a Client ID and Client Secret.
    • Store these credentials in a safe place.
    • Add them to your .env file as follows:


Required OAuth Scopes for deviantART

The following OAuth scopes are required for deviantART SSO to work properly:

  • user
  • browse
  • stash
  • send_message

These scopes allow the application to access user information, browse deviantART content, access stash, and send messages on behalf of the user.

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