Yelp SSO Integration

The Yelp SSO integration allows users to authenticate and retrieve user information through Yelp's OAuth system. This section provides a detailed guide on how to configure and use the Yelp SSO in your application.

Required Environment Variables

This integration requires the following environment variables:

  • YELP_CLIENT_ID: Yelp OAuth client ID
  • YELP_CLIENT_SECRET: Yelp OAuth client secret

To set these variables, ensure they are included in your application's environment configuration file (e.g., .env):


Acquiring Client ID and Client Secret

To obtain the YELP_CLIENT_ID and YELP_CLIENT_SECRET, follow these steps:

  1. Register Your App:

    • Go to the Yelp Developer Portal.
    • Log in or create a Yelp account.
    • Navigate to the "Create App" section.
    • Fill out the required details to register your application.
  2. Retrieve Credentials:

    • Once your application is registered, you will be provided with a CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET.

Required Scopes

Ensure your application requests the necessary scopes for Yelp OAuth:

  • business

These scopes allow the application to access specific user information and perform operations permitted by Yelp's API.

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