GitLab SSO Integration

This guide walks you through integrating GitLab single sign-on (SSO) with your application. Using GitLab SSO, you can enable users to authenticate using their GitLab accounts.

Required Environment Variables

To set up GitLab SSO, two key environment variables need to be configured:

  • GITLAB_CLIENT_ID: This is the OAuth client ID from your GitLab application.
  • GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET: This is the OAuth client secret from your GitLab application.

Steps to Acquire GitLab Client ID and Client Secret

  1. Create a GitLab OAuth Application:

  2. Configure the Application:

    • Enter the Name for your application (e.g., "MyAppSSO").
    • Fill in the Redirect URI field with the URL to which your application will redirect after successful authentication (e.g., http://localhost:8000/callback).
    • Under Scopes, select read_user, api, and email.
    • Click on Save application.
  3. Retrieve Your Credentials:

    • After saving, GitLab will provide a Application ID (which corresponds to GITLAB_CLIENT_ID) and Secret (which corresponds to GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET).
    • Set these values in your environment variables or .env file:


Required Scopes for GitLab SSO

When creating your OAuth application on GitLab, ensure that you select the following scopes:

  • read_user: Allows reading the authenticated user�s profile data.
  • api: Full access to the authenticated user's API.
  • email: Access to the authenticated user's email address.

These scopes are necessary for retrieving user information such as name and email.

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