
Required environment variables

  • FITBIT_CLIENT_ID: Fitbit OAuth client ID
  • FITBIT_CLIENT_SECRET: Fitbit OAuth client secret

Required APIs

Before using the Fitbit SSO, you need to confirm that you have the necessary APIs enabled and have acquired the required environment variables (FITBIT_CLIENT_ID, FITBIT_CLIENT_SECRET). Follow the steps below to do this:

  1. Create a Fitbit Developer Account:

    • Go to the Fitbit dev portal: Fitbit Developer
    • Create an account or log in if you already have one.
  2. Register Your Application:

    • Navigate to the "Manage my Apps" section.
    • Click on "Register a New Application".
    • Fill out the application details.
    • Set the OAuth 2.0 Application Type to "Personal" or "Server".
  3. Obtain Client ID and Client Secret:

    • After registering your application, Fitbit will provide you with a Client ID and Client Secret.
  4. Set Up Environment Variables:

    • Create or update your .env file with the following:


Required Scopes for Fitbit OAuth

When configuring OAuth for Fitbit, you need to request the appropriate permissions (scopes). Below are the required scopes:

  • activity
  • heartrate
  • location
  • nutrition
  • profile
  • settings
  • sleep
  • social
  • weight

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