
This module provides Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality using OpenAM's OAuth 2.0 service. It enables users to obtain tokens and user information from OpenAM, and also provides a mechanism for token refresh.

Required Environment Variables

To use the OpenAM SSO module, you must set the following environment variables:

  • OPENAM_CLIENT_ID: OpenAM OAuth client ID
  • OPENAM_CLIENT_SECRET: OpenAM OAuth client secret
  • OPENAM_BASE_URL: Base URL for the OpenAM server (e.g.,

Required Scopes for OpenAM OAuth

The following scopes are required for OpenAM OAuth:

  • profile
  • email

Instructions to Acquire Keys and Set Up Environment Variables

  1. Register the Client with OpenAM:

    • Navigate to Admin Console: Log in to the OpenAM administrative console.
    • Register the Application:
      • Go to Applications > Agents > OAuth 2.0 / OIDC > Clients.
      • Click New Client.
      • Fill in details such as Client ID, Client Secret, and Redirect URIs.
    • Set Scopes:
      • Ensure that your client has the required scopes (profile and email).
  2. Obtain Client ID and Secret:

    • Client ID: Found in the client registration under OpenAM's administrative console.
    • Client Secret: Found in the client registration under OpenAM's administrative console.
  3. Set Environment Variables:

    Add the obtained values to your environment file (.env).


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