Huddle SSO

This module facilitates Single Sign-On (SSO) with Huddle and provides functionalities to retrieve user information and send emails via Huddle's API.

Required Environment Variables

To utilize the Huddle SSO functionalities in this module, you need to set up the following environment variables in your .env file:

  • HUDDLE_CLIENT_ID: Huddle OAuth client ID
  • HUDDLE_CLIENT_SECRET: Huddle OAuth client secret

How to Acquire the Required Keys

  1. Create a Huddle App:

    • Visit the Huddle Developer Portal Huddle Dev Portal.
    • Log in with your Huddle account.
    • Navigate to the 'Apps' section and create a new application.
    • Fill in the necessary details, including redirect URI and scopes.
    • Upon creation, you will be provided with a Client ID and a Client Secret.
  2. Add Keys to .env File:

    • Open your .env file in the root of your project.
    • Add the following lines:


Required APIs

Ensure you have the necessary Huddle APIs enabled:

  • Make sure your created application in the Huddle Developer Portal has permissions for the required scopes listed below.

Required Scopes for Huddle OAuth

Generate access tokens with the following scopes:

  • user_info
  • send_email

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