Pixiv SSO

This documentation will guide you through setting up Pixiv Single Sign-On (SSO) in your application using the provided pixiv.py script. The integration leverages Pixiv's OAuth for user authentication.

Required Environment Variables

To use Pixiv SSO, you need to set up the following environment variables in your .env file:

  • PIXIV_CLIENT_ID: Your Pixiv OAuth client ID.
  • PIXIV_CLIENT_SECRET: Your Pixiv OAuth client secret.

Required APIs

Before setting up your environment variables, ensure you have the necessary Pixiv APIs enabled. Your application will need the following scopes to perform authentication through Pixiv OAuth:

  • pixiv.scope.profile.read

How To Acquire Keys

Follow these steps to get your PIXIV_CLIENT_ID and PIXIV_CLIENT_SECRET:

  1. Create a Pixiv OAuth Application:

    • Go to the Pixiv developer site and log in with your Pixiv account.
    • Navigate to the section where you can manage your OAuth applications.
    • Create a new application. You will be asked to provide details such as the name and description of your application. Ensure you also specify the required scopes (pixiv.scope.profile.read).
  2. Get Client ID and Client Secret:

    • Once the application is created, Pixiv will provide you with a client_id and client_secret. These will be your PIXIV_CLIENT_ID and PIXIV_CLIENT_SECRET.
  3. Add Environment Variables:

    • Open or create a .env file in the root of your project directory.
    • Add the following lines to your .env file:


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