Xero SSO Integration Documentation


This document describes how to integrate Xero Single Sign-On (SSO) using the provided xero.py script. The script leverages Xero's OAuth 2.0 for authentication and retrieving user information.


  1. Create a Xero App:

    To start using Xero's SSO, you need to create an app in the Xero Developer portal:

    • Go to the Xero Developer Portal.
    • Sign in with your Xero account.
    • Click on "New App" and fill in the necessary details.
      • Application name: Provide a name for your application.
      • Integration: Select the type of integration (e.g., Web application).
      • OAuth 2.0 redirect URI: Provide your application's redirect URL.
    • Once the app is created, you will get the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET. These are necessary for the OAuth flow.
  2. Environment Variables:

    The keys fetched from the Xero Developer Portal need to be saved as environment variables in your project.

    • XERO_CLIENT_ID: Xero OAuth client ID
    • XERO_CLIENT_SECRET: Xero OAuth client secret

    Add these to your .env file:


Required Scopes

When setting up OAuth access for Xero, ensure that you enable the following scopes:

  • offline_access: Allows your application to access Xero data when the user is not present.
  • openid: Provides basic user information.
  • profile: Access to the user's profile information.
  • email: Access to the user's email address.

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