Discord Single Sign-On (SSO)


This module allows you to integrate Discord's OAuth2 functionality into your application, enabling Single Sign-On using Discord credentials. This can be useful for authentication and fetching user information such as their Discord username, discriminator, and email.

Required Environment Variables

To use the Discord SSO functionality, you need to create a Discord application and obtain the necessary credentials. The required environment variables are:

  • DISCORD_CLIENT_ID: Discord OAuth client ID
  • DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET: Discord OAuth client secret

These variables should be added to your .env file for ease of use and security.


  1. Log in to the Discord Developer Portal: Go to the Discord Developer Portal and log in with your Discord account.

  2. Create a New Application:

    • Click on the "New Application" button.
    • Provide a name for your application and click "Create".
  3. Set Up OAuth2:

    • Navigate to the "OAuth2" tab in your application's settings.
    • Under the "OAuth2" section, you will see your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET. Copy these values.
  4. Enable OAuth2 Scopes:

    • Scroll down to the "OAuth2 URL Generator" section.
    • Select the email scope to ensure you have permission to access the user's email.
  5. Add Credentials to Your .env File:


Required APIs and Scopes

Make sure you have the following scopes set up for your Discord application:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""