
Required environment variables

  • VIADEO_CLIENT_ID: Viadeo OAuth client ID
  • VIADEO_CLIENT_SECRET: Viadeo OAuth client secret

Required APIs

Ensure you have the required APIs enabled, then add the VIADEO_CLIENT_ID and VIADEO_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables to your .env file.

To acquire the VIADEO_CLIENT_ID and VIADEO_CLIENT_SECRET, follow these steps:

  1. Creating an App on Viadeo:

    • Navigate to the Viadeo Developer Portal.
    • Sign in with your Viadeo account.
    • Create a new application and provide the necessary details.
    • Upon creation, you will be issued a Client ID and Client Secret.
  2. Setting Up Environment Variables:

    • After obtaining the Client ID and Client Secret, add these values to your .env file:


Required Scopes for Viadeo OAuth

  • basic (to access user profile)
  • email (to access user email)

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