Ping Identity SSO

This section explains how to set up Single Sign-On (SSO) with Ping Identity using the provided script. The script handles OAuth authentication and allows users to fetch user information and send emails via Ping Identity. Follow the steps below to configure and use the Ping Identity SSO integration.

Required Environment Variables

  • PING_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID: Ping Identity OAuth client ID
  • PING_IDENTITY_CLIENT_SECRET: Ping Identity OAuth client secret

Required APIs

Ensure that you have the following APIs enabled for your Ping Identity application. You can enable these APIs through the Ping Identity admin dashboard.

  1. UserInfo API: Used to fetch user information.
  2. Email API: Used to send emails on behalf of the user.

Acquiring Required Keys


  1. Log in to Ping Identity Admin Portal: Access the Ping Identity admin portal.

  2. Create an OAuth Client:

    • Go to the 'Connections' tab.
    • Select 'Applications' and click 'Add Application' to create a new OAuth client.
    • Fill in the required details (application name, description, etc.) and select the OAuth grant type you intend to use (Authorization Code Grant in most cases).
  3. Configure Callback URL:

    • Set the Redirect URI in your application settings to the endpoint where Ping Identity will send authorization responses (e.g.,
  4. Obtain Client ID and Client Secret:

    • After creating the OAuth client, you will be provided with a Client ID and Client Secret. Save these credentials securely, as they will be required in your application.
  5. Enable Necessary Scopes:

    • Ensure your OAuth client is configured to request the necessary scopes:
      • profile
      • email
      • openid

Setup Environment Variables

Add the following lines to your .env file, replacing the placeholders with your actual client ID and client secret.


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    No results matching ""