Foursquare SSO Integration

The following documentation will guide you through the steps necessary to set up and use Foursquare Single Sign-On (SSO) in your application.

Required Environment Variables

Before you start, you need to have the following environment variables set in your .env file:

  • FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_ID: Your Foursquare OAuth client ID.
  • FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_SECRET: Your Foursquare OAuth client secret.

Steps to Acquire Foursquare OAuth Credentials

To obtain the FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_ID and FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_SECRET, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Foursquare Developer Account:

  2. Create a New App:

    • Once logged in, go to the "My Apps" section.
    • Click on "Create a New App".
    • Fill in the required details about your application.
    • After filling in the details, submit the form to create the app.
  3. Retrieve Your Credentials:

    • After creating the app, you will be taken to your app's details page.
    • Your Client ID and Client Secret will be displayed on this page. These are the values you need to add to your .env file.

Required APIs

The basic Foursquare API does not require any specific scopes for accessing basic user information. Foursquare uses a userless access approach for its APIs.

How to Set Up Foursquare SSO

Add the FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_ID and FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables to your .env file:


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