Dropbox SSO Integration

This document describes how to integrate Dropbox Single Sign-On (SSO) with your application. By following these instructions, you will be able to allow users to authenticate with Dropbox and access their Dropbox account information and files.

Required Environment Variables

Before you start, you need to obtain the necessary credentials and set up environment variables:

  1. DROPBOX_CLIENT_ID: Your Dropbox OAuth client ID.
  2. DROPBOX_CLIENT_SECRET: Your Dropbox OAuth client secret.

Acquiring Dropbox OAuth Credentials

To obtain the necessary credentials from Dropbox:

  1. Create a Dropbox App:

    • Visit the Dropbox App Console.
    • Click on "Create App".
    • Choose an API (Scoped access).
    • Select the type of access you need: "Full Dropbox" or "App Folder".
    • Name your app and click "Create App".
  2. Get Your App Credentials:

    • Navigate to the "Settings" tab of your app in the Dropbox App Console.
    • You will find your App key (use this as DROPBOX_CLIENT_ID) and App secret (use this as DROPBOX_CLIENT_SECRET).
  3. Set the Redirect URI:

    • In the "OAuth 2" section in the settings tab, add your redirect URI (e.g., https://yourapp.com/auth/dropbox/callback).

Required Scopes for Dropbox OAuth

When setting up OAuth access, ensure that you enable the following scopes:

  • account_info.read: Required to access user account information.
  • files.metadata.read: Required to read the metadata for files in the user's Dropbox.

Setting Environment Variables

Add the following environment variables to your .env file:


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