LinkedIn SSO Integration


This document provides a guide for setting up LinkedIn Single Sign-On (SSO) integration in your application. Follow the steps below to configure the LinkedIn OAuth client and obtain the necessary keys and permissions.

Required Environment Variables

To integrate LinkedIn SSO, you need to set the following environment variables in your .env file:

  • LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID: LinkedIn OAuth client ID
  • LINKEDIN_CLIENT_SECRET: LinkedIn OAuth client secret

Steps to Acquire LinkedIn OAuth Credentials

Follow these steps to obtain the required LinkedIn OAuth credentials:

  1. Create a LinkedIn Application

    • Navigate to LinkedIn Developer Portal
    • Log in with your LinkedIn account.
    • Click on "Create App" and fill in the required details.
    • After the app is created, you will be redirected to the app's dashboard.
  2. Obtain Client ID and Client Secret

    • In the app's dashboard, locate Client ID and Client Secret under the "Auth" tab.
    • Copy these values and add them to your .env file as LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID and LINKEDIN_CLIENT_SECRET.
  3. Set Up Redirect URI

    • Ensure you set up the correct Redirect URI. This URI should match the one used in your application. You can set this URI in the app's "Auth" tab.

Required APIs and Scopes

To enable LinkedIn SSO, you must ensure that your application has access to the following APIs and scopes:

Required APIs

  • No additional APIs are needed other than LinkedIn's default OAuth APIs.

Required Scopes for LinkedIn OAuth

  • r_liteprofile: Grants access to retrieve the user's profile.
  • r_emailaddress: Grants access to retrieve the user's email address.
  • w_member_social: Grants access to post and share content on LinkedIn.

Ensure that these scopes are requested during the OAuth authorization process.

Setting Environment Variables

Add the obtained credentials and required environment variables to your .env file:


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