Zendesk SSO Integration Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions to integrate Zendesk Single Sign-On (SSO) into your application using the provided zendesk.py script. By following these steps, you will set up the necessary environment variables, OAuth client, and required OAuth scopes to enable seamless authentication and email sending through Zendesk.

Required Environment Variables

Before you proceed with the Zendesk integration, ensure that you have the following environment variables set up in your .env file:

  • ZENDESK_CLIENT_ID: Your Zendesk OAuth client ID
  • ZENDESK_CLIENT_SECRET: Your Zendesk OAuth client secret
  • ZENDESK_SUBDOMAIN: Your Zendesk subdomain (e.g., if your Zendesk URL is https://yourcompany.zendesk.com, then your subdomain is yourcompany)

Acquiring the Required Keys

To acquire the required keys for setting up the environment variables:

  1. Create a Zendesk OAuth Client:

    • Log in to your Zendesk Admin Center.
    • Navigate to Channels > API.
    • Under the OAuth Clients tab, click on the Add OAuth Client button.
    • Fill in the required details:
      • Client Name: A recognizable name for your OAuth client.
      • Description: A brief description for your reference.
      • Client ID: This will be automatically generated. Copy this value.
      • Client Secret: Click the Reveal button to see the client secret. Copy this value too.
      • Redirect URLs: Add the URL(s) where Zendesk will redirect after an authentication attempt.
    • Save your new OAuth client.
  2. Set the environment variables: Add the following lines to your .env file:


Required APIs

Make sure the following APIs are enabled in your Zendesk account:

  • OAuth API for authentication and token exchange.
  • Users API to retrieve user information.
  • Requests API to handle support requests and send emails.

Required Scopes for Zendesk OAuth

When you set up your OAuth client, ensure that the following scopes are enabled:

  • read: To grant read access.
  • write: To grant write access.

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